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[random scribblings]
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Saturday 7th November 1896
A quiet day after yesterday's
wind storm. V rowed across the
river with Dr Watson nearly
noon when he came back. Brought
from Gloyd's a tub of picklelill's
for Belle. We smouged some for
dinner. Very good. Harry by request
called at Charles Woodman's to see the sick
baby, little Pearl. Malony's drove Dr W to
the Bay to report before driving to St
Lawrence hamlet. V plowed all p.m.
Grace cleaned floors, a peaceful happy
day. V drove to Wills for cabbage 75 cts to pay.

Sunday 8th November 1896
A sad quiet lonely day sombre and
dreary out doors. A typical Nov day.
Shell and Inez came while Grace went
down to see little Pearl Woodman. Thinks she has
consumption. Sylvia Woodman Sr there

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Tub of picklelill's should be indicated "picklelilli [sic]". But it is actually spelled "piccalilli".