Feb 26th/1890 A cloudy day. Wind South in morning changing west at noon. Ground nearly bare snow scattered around in dirty patches & in fence corners. Ady & Rachel here. Wells trying the ice found it very poor could drop an axe through any where in the channel. Wills & Welly setting a sturgeon net. Ada wants to get home very much but will have to stay until tomorrow. Grace at Bells. John at school. Eva cleaned floors and helped wash dishes and hung out the clothes Rachel & Addie went over to Wills to make a visit started at 1/2 past two P.M.
[sticker] Date 1890
Feb 2nd: Tuesday A cloudy day Wind North. Charley drove over from his place with Ady. Grace went home with him. Wells and Will went to Kingston in cutter on ice and came home before dark. Sewing machine agent here said his name is Hall. Rain pouring all day. Will came from Kingston with wet feet. Will and Welly went to the sturgeon and took one sturgeon from the net. Will had supper here - buisness [sic] in town is with Frasier for going and Will John at school.
Feb 24th 1890 Monday
Wind South. A fine day like Spring very warm. Willy and John brought water & Evaline and Grace washed the clothes—hung the colored cloths on the veranda. Wells thought he would go to K with hay but so soft can't go. Welly and John drew a load of hay to feed the stock from old barn. A party at Horn's this evening seclect. Fred Joly called here been across the river to A Percys. Wells & Johny went over to Rattray's PM for ice tongs—had no place to sleep so set up till 4 A.M.
Feb Sunday 23rd 1890. A fine mild day, Wind south. Wells drove with Addie and Grace over to Bell's. A very quiet time. R reading novel. I got dinner and slept 3 hours. John went to prayer meeting quarterly meeting day. Wells and Grace came early. Addie stayed at Bells.