Sunday Feb 9th A beautiful clear
day light Wind North. Volty & Grace
went in cutter over to Charley's. Welly
came up from Alf's stayed till towards
night. got milk for the baby. John went
to church came back [kindled?] and
then made Wells folks a visit.
Volty & Grace came at dark.
Feb 10 1890
Monday. A beautiful day, bright and
cold, wind North. Wells & Volty went
to Kingston [struck text: on] with sleigh. V bought two
butter prints and some socks for himself.
Welly drove down in cutter to Alf's for E
& baby. The baby got a bad cold yet. Grace
washed and hung out the colored clothes
E made herself a rug, Will & Welly went
for the box & to see Sid Percy. Mrs Gloyd
better. Will didnt get the box but got V's
valise instead. Sid not at home. Wells & V
came home quite early. John chored around
& he and Welly skated.
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