


Status: Complete

Selections from Starks History & Guide to Barb[ados and]
the Caribbee Islands or Wes...
Inhabitants, White, Colored & Neg[ro]

The white population form the govern[ment]
in Barbados, nearly the entire wealth and...
of the island, being in their hands, although...
form at the present time but a small and constant
fraction of the whole population of the island, for
a total population of about 200,000 there are only
15000 white, 50,000 colored or mixed, and 135,000...
When the English settlers colonized this place, they changed...
climate, but not their characteristics: they brought with them the obs...
tenacity of purpose, dogged perseverance and [nurturing?] energy of the...
and turned this island into a garden. They brought with them, too,...
love of freedom and sturdy independence that characterized the New
England settlers, their friends and relatives. Henry Winthrop, the son of
John Winthrop, the great Puritan Govenor [sic: Governor], came to Barbados with the first f
settlers under Capt Powell, three years before his illustrious father fou[nded]
Town of Boston and Massachusetts Colony. These were the men wh...
-eyed Barbados; and for the greater part their sons remain, still. Englishmen...
their fathers for several generations may have been born on the island,...
this reason they are still, and must remain the governing class. N...
families have altogether left the colony, probably retring [sic: retiring] to England, a...
this of the old names a great number are now missing. Me...
again of other old families have come to grief from one cause or ano[ther]
their descendants are now living in humble positions or have emigr[ated to]
other islands or to the United States. These early settlers were the...

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The book being referred to is "Stark's History and Guide to Barbados and the Caribbee Islands: Containing a Description of Everything on or About These Islands of Which the Visitor or Resident May Desire Information, Including Their History, Inhabitants, Climate, Agriculture, Geology" by James H. Stark. A portion of the page is missing - added remaining words or word parts in brackets where obvious