Tuesday 17 March 1896 St. P's day
A brilliant day warm Wind S.W.
and light. Wellie came up with sled
accompanied by Hubert & Muriel.
Grandmother peicing patch work quilt & had
lots of trouble about Will and Charlie
smokes a lot, face taned with
tobaco smoke, poor dear old woman.
letters from Stella Healy, F.W. Watson & N. Grey
Watson's got another son, old Mrs Craig very ill.
Wednesday 18th March 1896.
A soft snowy day. Voltie gone to
Kingston for logs lumber which was
sawed from logs. Wellie & Eveline
gone to Kingston with potatoes. Stove
man called here to sell a steel range
but sold none. Will called here on
his way to River view gone for tobaco
and groceries. A world of snow everywhere
no bare ground. Gran at the pacing
voice old cracked and garulous over 80 years
old and bent like a drooping sunflower old
age is very unlovely [hope it is now fate above]
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