Found the roads very rough. Mrs Morgan requested to
come down in buggy, but could not accomdate her
brought milk pails for Welly & sugar, brought
10 yds toweling, 8 spools white thread and groceries,
sold the eggs for 11 cts per doz at Bakers.
Wednesday 23 March 1898
A cloudy day after wind & rain all night,
a quiet morning. Mart & Volty went the fish nets
found no fish, wind sprung up and had to come home
without bringing the net. V plowing with the new
mare. She rather friskey before the plow with old
Jim for pard. The te he ing going on in the kitchen
again this afternoon. Mart making good bye calls at
Will, Wellies & Franks. Maud, Volty and Edna gathering
roots and barks for beer. E scraped the bark off
and threw the bark in the stove thinking the
wood was the part to make beer. The day
cold bleak cloudy & cheerless. Wind North.
Evening Mart goes home with Wallace to make
a good bye visit.
Thursday 24th March 1898
Arose at 4 am got
breakfast and V drives over to the dock with
Mart & his father. Mart going to Chicago. W Sr
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