hires 25 dollars for Mart payable in three months.
V plows all day. Rachel comes over & stays
all day, froze last night. 3 pails of sap is
the result. Wells Sr bought a two wheeled Vehicle
& a tank for the shop store.
Friday 25 March 1898
A very fine Morning.
Froze last night more sap to day. V plowed
all day. Wells Sr drove out in his new dog cart
drawn by old Jim gone till 4 Oclock at the
foot of island. Misses Mable Morgan & Laura Sauve
honored with a visit, stayed till nine pm.
George came for them. Frank here too, sang
and played on piano. no letters only Whig.
Saturday 26 March 1898
looks like rain. V plows till 3 pm
then V & Frank start for Marysville dont
return till 2 am. cook and do Saturday's work.
Will didn't go. Jim wanted to go but no way to go.
Anne Horn, Hattie Joslin here. more sap, one perch
22 eggs.
Sunday 27th 1898
A cloudy day begins to rain toward
night. V and Edna go to the net but no fish, 28 eggs
Sr goes to Wellies. E and M go to church. Wellie here for
tack pullers.
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