


Status: Indexed

Wednesday 15 December 1897
Get out early this morning. V does the
chores at the barn & milks the cows. After breakfast
V goes to Uncle Sams for big kettle and the mail
[illegible] for wood toward the dock. Knockee
out [illegible] old stumps, enough to heat water for
butchering and also keep the kitchen stove going
two days. Butchered 5 hogs—helpers were Will
and Frank & Jimmie and Wellie. Evening
visitors were Will and Jen. Jimmie came
back stayed all night, and helped V do the
chores. A very fine day for out door work.

Thursday 16 th
Out of bed at 4 am. Jim helped
V do chores and load the hogs for waggon
for market. V gone to K & Jim gone to K
and Niles gone to K. Will & Charley here,
gave Charley a pumpkin. Wellie came up &
done chores. A cloudy day all mud. Wind S.
The wreck of the Rosedale was towed down
by here to day in charge of three tugs,
was towed stern first constantly pumping.
Volty came 1/2 past 7 pm. Expected the father
but he did not come.

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