


Status: Indexed

Saturday 25 December 1897
A thick morning, snowing,
river steaming, cold, wind blowing, from South,
white caps rolling. Chicken roasted for dinner.
Wells Jr came home just after our Christmas
dinner. Glad to see him home once more.
He came as a Christmas present here but not for me.
Mrs Adams sent a present to your humble servant.
Mrs W.B. Sr a pair of shells, art decorated
most beautifully. In evening Grace and Mart
went to Mrs Niles, sttayed till 9 pm. V went to
Frank's, found no one home, waited awhile
then came home. Sr brought V a gold watch.
Mrs Adams is the fathers paramour

Sunday 26 December 1897
A cloudy still day not
cold. If the sun would out it would thaw.
Sr reading Utica Globe. Maud gone
to Wills visiting.

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