


Status: Indexed

Monday 19 Jan 1898
A fair day, warm, river frozen across
but no good: a quiet day Wells Sr banked
the front of house. Bernard Morgan here
and invited V to a raising a log horse
barn. Volty went. My foot may be better
but swelled yet. Rachel here. Grace much
better. Martin doing chores. Maud cleaned
lamps and helped wash dishes. Welly drove
to our school with Muriel & Hubert this
morning. Will's children made a start
for school too, going to Section No 8.
Mr Pedro at Will Dixon's playing Pede

Tuesday 11 January 1898
A fine day, bright, clear
and cold. Wind North. Voltie and Wallace cross
the river on ice down by Horns on jam ice.
Wallace gone to St Lawrence for medicine for his father (Mr Treders)
Wellington, Mr Horn and Lizzie came across too.
They are the first foot passengers this season.
In Evening Wallace came down on skates. Coming
around the point, he broke through and wet one foot.
after drying feet, Wall & Martin went to post office
and then Martin went home with Wallace to play with
Mr Pedro. Grace washed Rachel hung out the clothes

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