


Status: Indexed

Friday 14 January 1898
A cloudy day, not cold. Maude
carried letters to post: sent one to her father. Mart
and Grace went to Marysville to workmans ball.
Maude & Wells Sr got supper. No letters only for Sr.
V working on bobs.

Saturday 15 Jan 1898
Stormy day of snow which
will make fine sleighing. Mart and Grace came
at 1/2 past nine this am. Wills butchered another pig.
Charley came for a butcher knife. Grace slept from 12
noon till five. Mart slept from 10 till three oclock pm
V. working in shop on Geo Rattrays bob sleigh,
snows fast and evenly: no wind a north [?]
All went to bed early. Welly came up for kerosine
said Muriel & Hubert are sick with cold

Sunday 16 Jan 1898
A beautiful winter day,
clear bright cloudless: the fields are spotless a
dazzling white blanket of snow covers the earth &
every roof and clings to the trees. Wind cold
and north very little wind. Sleighs are cutters and
out on the road, going up and down road.
Mart went to church and from there went

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