Sunday 14 June 1899 A hot cloudless day am thinking of drouth [sic] but hope not. Wellie came up and stayed a while, lent him a Berralds and a boat. Grace and Maud went to Church & sunday school. Arthur stayed home. Had soiled his clothes so had to stay home. Evening Maud went to Mr Niles with a note for Wallace go to the express office for Grace. Most of the youngsters out this beautiful eve driving. Frank, Emma and Grace in one buggy. Wallace, Marnie Bolton and Minnie Woodman driving in W N's buggy. Lewis, Joy & Mary Gordon in another. Bob Reid and Hattie Joslin in another. Will Robinson, Maud Gillespie & Lilly Woodman in another. Frank raced and drove by them all hollered and yelled, made more noise than a tribe of indians. I wrote a letter to Wells Sr just to say Grey Gillespie & Bessie Gibson out driving too also Perley Burnham and Hannah O'Brien.
Monday 12 June A breezy hot day. I worked at the flowers nearly all forenoon. Maud at school. Wish Artemus was there too. To meddlesome by half unmannerly and noisy wants his own way about everything. I dont believe I like him very well but he helps feed boys and fill dirt boxes.