[right hand of page ripped obscuring much of the diary entry, transcribed below with missing end of sentences indicated with #, left margin also obscured by binding tape these will be indicated with *]
1907 & 1918 R
Sunday 13 Jan #
A bright clear day snow #
somewhat drifted. Miss Crawford #
* , no service. goes home with the #
towards night. Kent brings her home#
*tholicks complaining that she #
*ble in school. river still remain #
* visitors to day. Reverend Craig sick #
couldn't come down to preach.
Monday 14 January 1907
A storm of sleet. Volta takes Miss Craig #
school. Volta returns home and then drives to #
*yron Irvines, Jack Niles and Hiram Joslin her #
* drew two loads of fertilizer for potatoes then
* for Miss Crawford. Hiram here for his sleigh
* V had fixed it didnt send any money for repairing
* put a quilt on the frames this morning.
Tuesday 15th Jan 1907
A snowy morning. Voltie drove to School house
with Miss Crawford. V went over and brought aunt
* over to dinner, and then drove #
* then went for the #
Rattray came #
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