[left hand of page ripped obscuring much of the diary entry, transcribed below, the missing text will be indicated with #]
Wednesday 16 Jan 1907
# morning 6 deg below zero which
# colder than yesterday. river not
# losed in Voltie drove to school with
# ford. Sunlight clear. V preparing
# barrel of vinegar for Mrs R Paine
# ns, and Maud irons. Sr scrapes
# dle in kitchen. Voltie drives for teacher
Thursday 17 January 1907
A cold night and morning. Thermometer
12 deg below zero. Voltie drives to school
with Miss Crawford. Two hot bricks at her
feet. V moved bed in to hall up stairs.
Friday 18 January 1907
Voltie drove to school with Miss Crawford
then drove for Rachel she came over and helped
us pick chickens, 20 of them for market. Then
Voltie walked to Quinns on the ice for his kerosene
and Alkane's gone till towards night came
bringing us the medicine, but Quinn had gone to
# V ate dinner with Harold
# lace, he found the ice
# is sick
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