


Status: Indexed

Monday 25 Feb 1907. V after driving to
school. School with Miss Crawford.
drove up for Robert and Grace. Margaret & Robby
they came before sunset. Trustees met at school
house to see about keeping Crawford in school. no government in
is school. They think they will turn her out.

Tuesday 26 February 1907.
A very good day cold. Voltie and Robert hitched
up and drove the gray colt across to Quinns.
Came back to dinner. They found Quins folcks moving
and Art Vincent moving in. Rachel and
Louise came over then came Charley H and Beatrice and
William Watts. All ate dinner, went again afternoon and
returned towards night.

Feb 27 Wednesday 1907
A cold day wind North. Voltie
hitched up the grey colt and drove with Miss Crawford
to school. Sr drove up to the horse race at the villiage.
This day I feel dull and sleepy. Grace help Maud
wash breakfast dishes.

Thursday 28th 1907
Clear and cold. V drove to school with
Miss Crawford; only three pupils today. The threats.
V loaded hay for Kingston from R's place.
Bob went to R for a call while V and Sr were
loading hay. Rob much pleased with his visit as
relating to Louise Horn Niles. I pieced three log
cabins blocks.

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