Sunday 7 July 1918
Not a very pleasant day for weather
wind and showers at intervals. Bert went
fishing caught 2 fine pike which Grace cooked
for dinner together with mashed potatoes &
very nice. Voltie rowed them over the river and
they went to Watertown in Berts car. Bert, Maud
Hubert, Grace & Isabel. Wm N brought Emma
home after they went home. Bert carried home
a half bag full of fish. Rachel here too.
Monday 8 July 1918
Worked on barn part of the day, then
rained again. Jim went home. Wm N staid and
V and he done what they could.
Tuesday 9th July 1918.
Worked some on the barn not much. James didn't come
this day. V and Wm worked in shop. After supper
Wm N went home. I requested him to ask his ma
to send me some lettuce. E, E & Margaret went to
R's carrying milk after dark.
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