Friday 24th July 1908
A fine day, wind East. Geo N here. They
finished haying. George here to dinner helps
draw another load which finishes the haying
then he goes to work for Geo Gillespie.
Belle and Henry go home just before
dinner driving up with the mail. Maud papers
around the stove pipe hole, and sweeps down
all cobwebs and spiders which accumulate fast
this warm weather. The wind and weather
speaks of rain again. V. going back again
to mow around the corners. Reggie goes
with him. Maude and I make cherry preserves.
Henry & Reginald have had a lovely time
visiting, playing, quarreling and some
fisticuffs both young pugilists. Reginald
was 7 years years old 15th Dec 1907. Henry was 7 years
old 6th day of April 1908. Henry is a full 1/2
head taller. Sent Reginald for the mail
Herald, a postal for me and one postal from
Jamie Dunlop, for V a very small letter from
"Hugh". Mrs A Barrie drove in here bringing
our provender that she had accidentaly exchanged
for her turkey feed Thursday night at the dock
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