


Status: Incomplete

polishes the childrens shoes and combs
and parts their hair in the middle.
Margaret and Robert & Isabelle dressed (the boys)
all in white embroidered rigs with their
little city caps perched on the back of their heads and
when all complete they are gay and dudeish.
And Oh so foolishly proud. They leave their
straw hats behind them for Reggie says their
straw hats are only to be worn in the country
on the farm. And wee Robbie says "ony
wear tawhats in tunty". Voltie comes
home from his harvesting at 4.30 and
he gather them in double buggy, 6 of them
and the baby cart, two valises and
other baskets and himself and then I
have to go to the door and call "here Bob
you've left your fathers cane" (which I have
in my hand) which Maud takes and hands to
Bob and away they drive around the barn
and Maud and I return indoors. And
__ the silence and quietness is releaving
but at same time there is a sadness in it for I
know they are gone and I want and miss
Grace when she is gone. Grace is always good and patient.
Heard to day that Wallace Niles had fell while pressing hay
and brake a bone in his wrist and straine the cords.

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