


Status: Indexed

Monday 22 May 1919.
I know there is not
much of anything done this day in door any way.
Watts came down this day for the first time since the
2nd of May. Postmaster general Toronto started him
on the road. I send a letter to Mirian Benton &

Tuesday 27 May 1919.
A fine day. Potatoe planting going on to day and
other digging out doors. The calves are on the point
5 of them. Harold Dignum is home and has a
a party at Jim Morgans this night. Alden drives for E & E and
they go return at midnight. Abysma and Eddie here in eve.

Wednesday 28th May 1919
A fine warm growing day. Voltie preparing
and sowing barley "over there". Emma cleaned and
papered my bed room. We had a ring up to
meet some one (a man & woman) at the boat. V drove over
for them but found no one. Guess it is Bert
and Maud. They got left any way, whoever
it was. I write and send Grace a letter
and receive on from Watson

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