Monday 14th September 1908
Wind North and breezy cool.
No rain. V and dad digging potatoes
12 bags to day which makes 21 bags in cellar. Rachel came
over bringing Snyder's Emma Lemon with them,
a very pretty child but Oh! so dirty.
Ethel didn't come over. Heard Wellie
was sick, dont believe it. Phoned to
Bert Joslin McDonel. Said Eveline wrote
Wellie had a billious attack.
Tuesday 15th September 1908
No rain. A fine day—a September day cool days that
are beginning to foreshadow the decline of the
the year autumn. The grain harvest is past,
threshing done, and we look upon a
bountiful supply yet to be harvested—gathered
in great variety, corn & popcorn, sweet corn,
ensilage corn, the diffferent varieties of apples,
peas, tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, squash, beans,
cabbage, potatoes, beets, carrots, turnips, sage, summer savory,
sunflower, onions (a few) and then is this
department are butter, eggs, milk, cheese, beef,
honey, pork, fowl, hickory nuts. It take a quantity
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