Thursday 17th September 1908
A smokey day. The atmosphere heavy with
smoke. Cant see the church from here. I ask
Stella how she found her way home from School.
No rain, everything drying up. I work
around all day. Have supper ready on the
table when they come home. Rachel came with
them bringing bottled ale, cheese and
Bologna, sausage. Ethel staid at Dignums.
Mrs Dignum not home yet from Brandon.
V and dad at the beans & dig potatoes.
Friday 18 September 1908
No rain. I made cellery sauce.
V and Sr dug potatoes all day. Maude
didn't do much; resting herself after Kingston.
Received a letter from Gladys, a postal from
Gladys also one from Harriet Roseboom
and a letter from Grace. 60 bags of potatoes
in one bin. Voltie sent Babson Bros $7,00 on
phonograph account.
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