


Status: Indexed

Saturday 26 September [1908]
No rain. They all came home at three this morning

Tuesday 3 June 1919
No rain. A blazing hot day no wind to stir the
leaves on the trees. Emma painting a little
in kitchen. The house cleaning drags as I expected
it would. I dont think there has been a hotter day in
a year. After dinner V goes down by the consession
and sows and plants a garden. Maud patches her clothes
then after sunset she and Em go to R awhile come
back and V and they go for Ells and get none.

Sunday 27 September 1908
No rain. A very warm day not so breezy as
it might be. No visitors to day.
Maud went to church with the Ranous
family. After dinner V and I went for
hickory nuts, gathered nearly 1/2 bushel

Wednesday 4th June 1919
No rain. Another day just like yesterday hot hot blazing hot &
not a breath of air stirring. Em still painting in kitchen.
V was saying at the breakfast table that Bert still
continues to carry Hubert around by one leg. He
Bert often does that. I dont see how any kid can
grow and have good intelect [sic: intellect] that is brought up
bottom side upward.

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