
Item is a diary.


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Leap year

Wednesday 1 Jan 1908 A very pleasant day and the first of the year 1908. Wells has a lame back. I guess and done some grilling to day. Rachel came over to help me about quilting. Done some washing.

Thursday 2nd January 1908 Wells goes to Kingston this morning. Voltie drives over to the dock with his father. Wells has a very lame back and is going for a plaster and other medicine. V draws manure. 5 Oclock pm. A phone from Rob't saying Sr has got left in Town and will stay all night with them so we dont look for him home tonight. Maud washing all day.

Last edit 11 months ago by Khufu
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Friday 3rd January 1908

Awoke this morning to find Sr gone from home for the first time since last June when he went to Watertown to visit Welly and was gone a whole week and when returned, found the hens had scratched his corn all up. Voltie drawing manure all day. Wells Sr rode down with the mail and seems much pleased to get home. He bought a clothes basket but could not bring it down with Woodman and left it at McClarens. Says he staid with Grace & Bob all night. A letter from Muriel.

Sunday 1st June 1919 A beautiful day. We are alone all day till sunset. Of course Maud, Hubert are here. Then came Alden, Madaline, Eddie, & Ogle all adjourned to the parlor and then the noise began. They call it music and piano and mouth organ. They of voice stay

Last edit 11 months ago by Khufu
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Saturday 4th January 1908 A storm of wind, snow, and rain from south. After breakfast before V had gone to the barn we received a message over the telephone that Grace is sick. Bob says the doctor has been there all night and asking if Maud can come up for a week or two. Voltie answers yes, I'll bring her to day. Tis a bad day to drive from here to the villiage but Maude packs her valise and away they drive through the storm which is increasing every minute. Sr has a terrible lame back but the chores must be done and water must be got from the river some how. R & I watch him as he labors to the river and after a long time succeeds in getting two pails of water though the spray clashing high on shore. We can get no water to clean floors to day. Rachel fries cakes. No snow, no ice in the river. Well we waited up for Voltie till 11 pm. Any way I did, then went to bed.

Last edit 11 months ago by Khufu
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Sunday 5 January 1908 A quiet day, no one here except ourselves. Voltie came home at 12.30 am. A quiet peaceful day. The most the family does is to eat and read. Rachel made pea soup for dinner which was delicious, so good that I had another bowl of soup for supper. Voltie bought a new book "Two years before the mast by Dana" also this diary and an account book for me and one for himself. He came over at 5 Oclock pm, ate supper at Mr James Davis; Walked the horses all the way home, the roads are mudy [sic]. I hear the clothes flapping on the line all night as the wind goes roaring among the clothes line. Towards noon V brought the cloths [sic] from the line some of them torn badly. The wind hushed for awhile

Last edit 11 months ago by Khufu
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Monday January 6th 1908

A very chilly day wind South, river rough, cloudy and threatening storm. Sr got a lame back and dont like to stir around very much and has a very sore foot - a bunion. Rachel cleaned dining room, pantry & kitchen floors, worked the butter, made prints 5 oz to muck in each lb 21 oz. Scales out of balance. Voltie fixed scales all right now and butter to be made over again. Irene cooked meals, baked beans &c. A telephone from Bob that all is well and said Maud went to church last evening. A phone from Annie Woodman inviting Maud to a party at Horn's but Maud is in Kingston, therefore cant attend the party. A phone from Belles family and Voltie told them over the wire about the new baby at Bobs which was something they had not heard about before. V shod C Woodmans horse 15 Oh i'm so sleepy.

Last edit 11 months ago by Khufu
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