
Item is a diary.


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Tuesday 14th 1908. A beautiful day, though rather cold, ice melting on the house roof and running from the eves [sic]. Rachel set out all the pans and basins to catch the soft rain water, caught enough to fill the tank. The trees sparkle in the sunlight as if covered with millions of diamonds. We just get the meals and wash dishes. I finish the lace for wee Margarit's pethcote [sic].

Wells mending old harness in kitchen. Rachel finished knitting Volties mittens. I sent Mauds letters by mail to her crowding them all 4 into one envelope and Voltie kindly took them to post. Will Michea came here for cow medicine. Rachel set up a mitten for me to knit. Voltie went for the mail - a letter from Jen, H paper "Human life" from Will, a Strawberry annual from R.M. Kellogg, 3 rivers, M and the willow clothes basket that Sr bought and left at McLarens. So we pass the evening reading as usual, a clear moonlight night retired at 10.30 pm.

Last edit 11 months ago by Khufu
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Wednesday 15 Jan 1908 A cloudy dismal sort of a day. The said clothes basket must not be used to pick up chips in, carry fowls to market, nor used to pick up potatoes, nor carry corn nor any other truck. so the man says that bought it. Well as tis the first household article that he has bought and paid for in years, he feels very important and consequential over it, and therefore considers it the accomplishment of a great affair. Hopeful he will not buy any thing again. V working in shop. We did intend dressing fowl for market but heard that the passage from the villiage to the city is not good. The ferry Boat comes only part way from the city to Garden island. Kent drove in here to grind his axe - reported school commenced to day at afternoon. Henry Halliday and Geo W Woodman drove in here at twilight pm bringing a box of trinkets from Grandma Halliday for Marjorie and plunker brought a newspaper with the details of Capt H Borgarts demise and burial: 8 pm and Sr gone to be. Rachel & Voltie reading.

Wind South and chilly. V made out his strawbery [sic] order. I made out the bulb order and wrote to Luplon for Nellie Brooks.

Last edit 11 months ago by Khufu
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Thursday 16 Jan 1908 A cloudy morning and raining, wind South. J Kehoe drove in here to invite to Robert Horn's reception. Maud yet in Kingston. River clear of ice on this shore and channel. I tried to cleans black molasses in order to make cookies, couldn't do it nothing but froth and foam. Set the pail of skimmings on the bracket (stove). R accidentaly [sic] knocked it of over behind the stove and the whole contents went over, every thing; a basket of corn, pop corn, a bag of feathers, and other articles. V & R cleaning out the corner. Voltie ate lunch then took axe and went to daily's woods to split wood: Says we burn to much wood. Rachels moping [sic] floors. 10 minutes to eleven am. Weather clearing up. Voltie selecting strawbery plants from R.M. Kellogg's Annal [sic] catalog. I write to Geo Park. La Park Pa for bulbs 150 for $1,50 a great bargain in bulbs I think. Belle is sending with me

Last edit 11 months ago by Khufu
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Friday 17 Decem Jan 1908 Wind South weather looks very threatening for a storm. Voltie selects more plants from the strawbery catalogue 9 varieties of plants & 900 plants and I make out my order for bulbs. I hope the season will be favorable for a garden next summer. Later we will send for vegetable seeds. We only do the house work after picking 20 fowl for market. Afternoon I write for the Family Herald & Weekly Star. Voltie sets down a list of things he wants to get; he is going to the city tomorrow, Evening mail, Herald and a letter from Grace Which I answer and put all the letters and corresponence on the table for Voltie in the morning. First a letter to L.M. Lupton for Nellie Brooks to have her paper Good Litterature changed from Milan to Spokane. An order for Park, a letter to Grace, Order for Herald and a memorandum of articles from Kingston. Rachel got a stiff neck which I doctor with horse linament.

Last edit 11 months ago by Khufu
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Saturday 18 January 1908 Voltie set the alarm and it rang at 10 minutes to 4 a.m. V and get up, get breakfast and tie every chicken's neck. So I send 20 fowl and 14 lbs butter to market. Rachel not very well got a stiff neck. I did not sleep much last night. Wind changed from North to South and blows. Sr has hard work to get water from the river. The wind increasing, 3 pm. Whew! how the wind blows from South and V in Kingston and also Maud. We are looking for both home to night, will they come? Rachel moped all the floors, stewed currants and made currant pies and baked bread. The river with white caps and dashing spray is a sight to behold. Bakes beans, bread, made pies. Rachel's neck better. Sat up till 9.30 pm when V came alone still leaving Maud in Kingston. When he came in I ask, where is your companion? He answered "I left her at Glo Ranous' and a little further explanation showed that he had brought the teacher for the lower school, Miss Humeford from Hamilton to teach the lower school, so drove past here, stopping at A Joslin's no they wont board, leachery then drove to Will Gillespies. No they wont board Leacher

Last edit 6 months ago by Khufu
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