Then he drove back to Geo Ranous' before the poor girl could find a place to rest the sole of her foot. Bob met him at the boat this am and bought 6 chickens. Sold the remaing 14 at the fish market for 10 per lb, sold the butter for 26 cts per lb. Went home with Bob to see the baby, had lunch there. Voltie subscribed for Herald. [margin] Forgot to say the Islander, had to break ice nearly all the way from K to Ferguson point.
Sunday 19th Jan 1908 A clear sunbright day, wind North and cold, river open and sparkling in the sunlight. Didn't get up very early this morning; had breakfast between 8 & 9 am. Forget to give V the order for express for Park. Ill send it tomorrow if V goes up. Made this a day of rest. Thought I would write to Muriel but kept on reading. We retired a little earlier than usual. Voltie going to Kingston again. He is going to carry up a barrel of Haas apples for Mrs Davis
Monday 20th Voltie and I arise early 4 am. he get his breakfast himself. Sr helped V load the apples, after V pushed the sleigh to the door. I send the order to Park for bulbs this time sure. A fine day only the wind is blowing hard from South and driving great fields of ice on shore all day. Dont know where the ice all comes from. Well we dont do much to day, only cook and eat, wash dishes etc. I bake beans, write a letter to Muriel, clean stove, fill lamp and polish lamp chimneys, scour all the "Knives, forks and spoons, scrub the stove. Rachel & her cat goes home, weather quite warm not freezing. I get supper and wash all the dishes & sat up till 11 O'clock pm for V & M but they didn't come.
The evening was beautifuly warm for Jan. The moon at full and shining brightly. I pass the whole evening reading "Two year Before The mast by R.M.D and wish I knew if it is true or not
Tuesday 21st Jan 1908 Voltie not home this morning. Rachel not here. Only Sr and I. The day proves to be fine and warm, set the north door and window open well [sic] I finish writing to Muriel and dad takes it to post. Uncle Sam told Sr that the boat didn't cross to the city yesterday. Flynn's told some of the Woodman family that the islander didn't go to town yesterday on account of ice. So V staid somewhere. I work around, clear up the pantry, cook, sweep &c. Look at the old St Lawrence as it floats the great body of ice slowly floating along down with the currant [sic]. Sometimes it gets lodged between Canada and the United States but only for a short time, then slowly pushes its way down stream, miles upon miles of ice comes from above Carlton. Towards night it becomes cloudy and dark and begins to rain. Wells takes the lanter any [sic] goes across the field to the post office. The bright glimmer of the lantern relecting
the icy surface of the snow which looks strangely weird and fantastic and I see his old big boats go chumping along all the way across the field. Mail a postal from Nellie Brooks, a card from Grace, a card for Maude. C.W. said Voltie ought soon to be home for the boat came in while He was there for the mail. O yes forgot to say received another New Thought. Voltie comes at 9 p.m. brought kippered herring, a we washtub, a thermometer, a new tin, dipper &c but he didn't bring Maude. Wells gone to bed. V & I sat a by the coal fire awhile & talked. Said the boat could get no farther than Garden island yesterday morning and there she stuck in the ice till 4 pm. then she returned to the villiage wharf and, after V had hitched up, he drove to C Halliday's and staid all night, had his supper and breakfast then. He had bought his
at the boarding house, Garden Island. Tuesday.
Wednesday 22 Jan 1908. Wind South shifting to Westward and blowing heavily, carrying the ice down stream by millions and the river rough and rolling. Sr says "This is what you may call a pretty windy day" "Yes Sir a windy day". "A pretty windy day". Sam Snub came to get some shop work done. Voltie working in shop all day. Sr looks after the fires - reading almanacks [sic] most of the time, feeds the pigs, 4 p.m. Ice all gone excep [sic] one long narrow streak which moves rapidly down the channel invisible at either extremity. Voltie helps get supper and wash dishes. I cleaned cupboard doors scrubed water bench, swept my bedroom, picked up all dirty clothes.
[margin] Sunday 10 Jan 1909 A cloudy rainy nasty day. Rachel made pea soup for dinner. We arose late this morning, ate breakfast at 9 am. Samy Snub went home. V went down to Franks, V & M returned at 8.30 pm, cold hungry and somewhat devilish. Then V and Sam sat up till 1 am doctoring the bay horse, got gripes. Towards night R went home & Maud went with her then V went over there to get R boiler. Maud came home first. I guess V went by way of F. W.