
Item is a diary.


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Thursday 23rd Jan 1908 A great change in the weather from yesterday, blowing great guns from the North. Tis nearly time to get dinner but we didn't get out of bed till 7 pm. V helps get breakfast. V carries water to the horses and put a knob on the porch door, was going to wash but the day is so cold and stormy I will put clothes soak but no water to do it with. Cook, wash dishes, write letters, one to Grace, one to Gladys, write in diary. S. Snub came to get C Woodmans horse shod. Tis a blizzard of a day and cold. After supper and V & I wash dishes, sweep and snug up everything, brighten the coal fire, we are entitled to the evenings peacefulness and rest so we read till half past to [sic] then go to bed with the wind howling around the house from the North and bitter cold.

[margin] Monday January 11th 1909 A cloudy day, ground bare no snow, river rolling free of ice. Voltie gone to Sullivans marsh to cut marsh hay to come strawberry vines. Wells gone over to paper R's stable. Wind has changed to West. V had lunch before he went to the marsh. I got breakfast washed all the dishes & separator. V took all the pork from the barrel and made a new brine pickle of salt sugar & saltpetre.

Last edit 2 months ago by Khufu
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Friday 24 January 1909 Clear bright day, cold. Thermometer at zero, river frozen over. V lights the kerosense stove to warm my bedroom. V & I get breakfast and after breakfast we prepare the mail, a letter for Grace, a letter for Gladys, a book for Nellie Brooks, a letter to Park for bulbs with post office order of $1,50. V goes to post office, came back and carries water to Rachel, finds her all right. Says she burnt up a weeks supply of coal yesterday to keep herself warm. V goes to post office, Herald, New Thought, a card from Helen B, a card from Jennie Dunlop and for Maud from Nellie O'Neal.

Last edit 2 months ago by Khufu
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Saturday 25 January 1908 A sort of a half cloudy, half sunshiny day. V helps do the house work till 10 am then goes to Dailys to plaster up their holes in parlor and bedroom. I just do general house work, sweep, cook, wash dishes, make pie, cake, bread, bake apples, put 4 gallons of salt pickles to soak in the big dish pan. I thought I could mop floors, but didn't get time. I never was more tired in all my life. I thought sometimes I'd fall down. V carried Rachel some milk, found her well and all right. Oh I was happy to see Voltie come home. He was tired only he wouldn't say he was tired, he finished setting table, cut bread and poured tea, and helped wash dishes. Wells Sr done the chores and read "Two years before the mast" by R.M. Dana. After dishes washed and every thing snug for evening, V and sat up and read till 1 Oclock though I fall asleep every few minutes. Sr went to bed at 8 pm as he does every night. I slept and dreamed Wellie came and I was so glad to see him and then I awake and it was only a dream.

Last edit 2 months ago by Khufu
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Sunday 26 January 1908 A long quiet Sabath day. No one here in all the day only Voltie and his father and I. I thought Rachel would come over. Dont understand how she can stay alone so much. A dark and cloudy am. It began to snow about 1 Oclock p.m. and I never saw the snow fall faster and heavier without much wind and wind there is, is from the N.E. Thermometer 16 deg above zero. We had bean soup for dinner currant pie, boiled potatoes, bread, butter, cookies &c. Not much of anything eaten but soup. Forgot to feed the dog his dinner. Sr reading "Two Years Before the Mast". V reading one of Blackmore's yarns. I dont read much of anything only look through McLeans Magazine and wish I had some one to help me about the work. The river ice is covered deep with snow. How many, many winters I've seen the snow cover the river. Devolson brought in too new laid eggs today, which was about eight.

Last edit 2 months ago by Khufu
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Monday 27 January 1908. I was the first one up and dressed this morning. Called Voltie to make a fire in kitchen stove. A soft morning, wind South and blowing some. After bringing potatoes, apples & eggs from cellar, V gets ready to go to Dailys to finish plastering. Sews a button on his coat first. While sewing on button, Tomy Dignum drove in here, looking for masquerade suit. Voltie is glad to get the oppertunity [sic] to ride in Tomy's sleigh to Dailys 9 Oclock a.m. Wind changed to West and much colder. Thick frost on North window of kitchen, clears up, sun shining. Well I suppose I have go to get dinner. Sr pulled one of our calves out of water hole, says we have got to many calves. 4 is enough instead of 7. Voltie came home 6.30 Oclock p.m. he was on the ice helping to pull Dignums horses out the ice. They got the horses out, but one is dead. 7 men altogether and except Voltie not one had ever seen a horse in the river through the ice. I'm very tired again to night. 2 deg above zero.

Last edit 2 months ago by Khufu
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