Sunday 2nd February 1908 Awoke this morning to find the snow piled in great drifts every where; have to shovel roads to barn and river to feed and water cattle and horses. A world of snow and drifts. On North window by the coal stove, half covered by snow drift, a fine place to get snow to melt for washing and other purposes. We watch Voltie and Ray as they work their way to the river, and by wallowing, treading, and shoveling, for half and hour they manage to bring two pails of water. Excepting getting the meals, washing a few dishes, we pass the day reading. Tomato soup for dinner. A phone from Uncle Sam. W asking about the crossing for the "carrier" and his son are away over to Depanville to a horse trot. Dont think horses can trot much over this snow. And there is such a depth of snow on the St Lawrence. Dont think there will be any crossing in a long time. 2 deg above zero this morning.
Monday 3rd February1908.
A fine day. Snow & deep, deep and drifted. but the sun is shining brightly. After dinner, Voltie and Ray brake and shoveled road from here to the main road and and drove down to their hay stack by Geo Niles and drew two loads of hay. It was surpirsing to see The Woodmans driving across from over the river trunching on the ice is both hard and dangerous at present. Charlie Dixon came with them & passed by with them to Uncle Samuel's, ate dinner there. Then Charlie and noisy Frank came back down there for an hour or two till V and Ray return from drawing hay then after visits with them awhile, Frank goes home & Chas goes over to Rachels where he stays over night except he goes to a surprise party at Snubs. V and Ray and M are invited over the phone but they didn't attend but play checkers. V & R till midnight till I was thoroughly disgusted.
Tuesday 4 February A clear cold morning 24 deg below zero. Voltie and Ray drawing straw from Geo Niles place. Charley came over from Aunt R's; we cooked a very good dinner for him and kippered herring &c. He went back with Voltie and Ray down to Geo Niles, when after dinner they drove back again for straw, and shipped with Geo Niles to go on the Pontiac with Capt Gaskin. I dont think Charlie's dad will not be willing for him to go. After ringing the phone several times for Frank to come and go home, get across the ice before dark. At last he comes and away they drive over the ice without any trouble, growing colder as it goes on towards night. Voltie and Ray play checkers again this eve till 10 pm. Didn't go for the mail tis so cold and snow so deep. This is cold winter weather indeed. James OBrien here to request us to board the school teacher. We wont board her. Phoned to Barry's they wont board her. Then drove to Niles to see if they will take her in to board. They wont board her, Then comes back and tries to persuade Voltie but no good. Then goes to Sniders but no board there, and I guess he will have to board her himself.
Wednesday 5 Feb 1908 The coldest morning yet, 28 deg below zero. After breakfast sent Ray for mail which didn't amount to much. "American Woman" and an answer to the 25 cts I sent a week ago which proved to be a fake, whithout I should prove to be as dishonest as the advertiser. But, 25 cts is not much to throw away, and as tis about as I expected it would turn out to be, I am not disapointed [sic]. The day continues cold and dreary but we live through it all right. V filed Niles crosscut saw then after dinner, V & C Woodman strated to break a road up the shore on the ice that they might draw school wood from the villiage when the weather moderates, didn't get any farther than Niles point on account of coldness. Ray went over to Rachels & carried potatoes, milk and apples and brought coal into the house for her. The roads are so bad the mail did not get down last night till 10 pm. Snowing hard again to night. V & Ray playing checkers this evening. [margin] I knit a mitten for Sr. Maud baked bread and reads the American Woman.
Thursday 6th February 1908 A change in weather, warmer 6 deg above freezing; arose at 7 am ate breakfast at 8 am. Snowing, blowing and drifting all night. We do about as we have a mind to these days. That is we dont do much of any thing except get the meals and wash dishes. Snowing and drifting all day. The drifts are in various fantastic shapes in hills, vales, curved and twisted, plain and undulating. The wind has swirled around the trees till each one stands in a cup of snow. I wrote for a subscription to the "American Woman" & "Good Stories" will send tomorrow by mail. I knit on second mitten but but dont finish it. Voltie working in shop and teaching Ray to make axe handles. He made two. Father dont do anything only milks two cows, feeds the pigs and sits by the fire all day! Evening time, V and Ray play checkers till bed time.