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Friday 7 Feb 1908. The roads are so badly drifted there is no going for the mail to day which is a disapointment as the mail seldom or never fails to go and come but the phones are rining constantly or therebouts. I write to Sears & Roebuck for wallpaper catalog, and V writes to Babson Chicago for a phonograph. I finish one pair of mittens and set up another. Rachels cat came over here. Ray went over to see how she gets along. She said the cat had bitten her on the hand, and now she wants Ray to kill the cat. Ray told her he would kill the cat, she is afraid of blood poisoning. V & Ray working in shop. We lost a calf that had got in the water hole. Tho it lived three or four days, it died Evening. Voltie trying to teach Maud the science of checkers playing. She not a very apt pupil.

Last edit 11 months ago by Khufu
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Saturday 8 February 1908 A clear cold morning. Thermometer registers 14 deg below zero. The mail leaves eary this morning. Voltie carries our letters to post office, stamps them, and sees them safely deposited in the mail bag. No roads broken out yet. The mail goes up on the ice. Voltie and Ray breaking roads to the river and over as far as Rachels. Cutter driving up and down the shore to day for the first time this winter but we dont see any driving across the river. C Woodman drives up the ice this morning with the mail. V and Ray draw out 7 loads of manure The mail comes early this morning p.m. V drives over for R and then goes for the mail. 2 Heralds, a post card for Maud, an Almanac, a letter from Grace. Baked beans, stewed currants for pie. V and Ray played checkers in the evening. Oh yes an invitation to the c m b a for Devolson. Heard of Mrs John Hamer's death in Spokane. Sat up late, till 11 Oclock reading. Terrible tragedy the murdering of the King of Portugal and the Crown Prince recorded in Herald.

Last edit 11 months ago by Khufu
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Sunday 9th February 1908. A bright morning but cold. Thermometer registers 15 deg below zero. Looking out window we see the Woodman's with Len Patterson and wife driving down the ice in cutter enroute for W.H. Woodmans for a Sunday visit. Well after shaving and cleaning their clothes, Voltie and Ray walked across the river to Arthur Vincent carrying Kerosine can. They came back at sundown bringing the bulbs and letters from Marjorie and Beatrice leaving their oil can over there for Arthur to get filled tomorrow at the corners. Three square meals to day but I ate only two. Breakfasat and dinner. I cant understand how humanity can fork in so much and so many varieties of food, pork & beans, potatoes, catsup, bread & butter, cheese, bakes apples, cake and all the condiments, pepper, salt, pickles, tea, Milk &c. 'Tis no wonder their stomachs are all out of order. Sat up till 1/2 past 10 reading: boys tired after the long hard walk over the river and go to bed early.

Last edit 11 months ago by Khufu
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Monday 10th February 1908 Somewhat cloudy when we first arise but soon clears away. Voltie and Ray with saw and axe go through the deep snow to Dailys woods to cut and saw wood. Examined the bulbs and found them badly and sadly frozen, dont think the hyacinths are good for any thing. I put 4 hyacinths in a glass dish of water. Rachel making rag rug. Woodmans telephone for cedar bushes to bush a road across river. Sr goes with them to get the cedar and they bush a road across the ice. Nothing much being done here to day, but a lot of nonsensical talk and foolish laughing which takes up most of the time except washing a few towels. The boys (V & Ray) come home at dark, tired and hungry, found the snow deep and tiresome to wallow through, had to rest an hour before beginning to saw down the big basswood which was tougher than cork to saw. Ray had a narrow escape from being killed when the tree fell. OBriens boys here in evening, Geo O'B wants a plug of chewing. V has none for him. Rachel and Maud plays checkers in dining room. [margin] Butcher been gone a week with Merrill Daily's horse and Merrill wants the horse to use. Butcher went to Mells a week ago.

Last edit 11 months ago by Khufu
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Tuesday 11 February 1908. A fine morning, much warmer; 20 deg above zero. V and Ray hitched up and drove to Daily's chopping. Breakfast dishes washed and talking began and laughing too. Not much work done this day. Rachel finished her rag rug. Maud prepared the meals. I knit on mitten, crochet 5 scolops [sic] of new kind of lace while up up and down the river the rigs are going at full speed. Sr sits by the fire most of the time. He's has got asthma or something - dont breathe freely. Maud set a dish of greese [sic] on stove which run over, burnt and smoked, affecting Wells throat, causing him to choke or cough. P.M. Arthur, Vincent and Bee came over. Be phoned to her mother telling her she is coming home tomorrow with her financee [sic] Frank S. They went home before dark. V and Ray came home at sundown tired and hungry. Toughest basswood tree that ever grew with a rotten centre. Mail good Litterature, a letter form Nellie Brooks, a letter from W.F. Watson, a card from F Gowen. Boys tired and went to bed early. Butcher brought Merills horse home.

Last edit 11 months ago by Khufu
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