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Bill Bates born this morning.
Sunday 24 June 1906 * morning and cloudy * little flocks of ducks we have * three and most of our turkeys are * of sparrow lice. Henry Halliday * just time for dinner. Frank Woodman came over bringing his family to Samy's to stay a week. Frank going home again after coming here for ppotatoes. We have strawberries for dinner and supper. Henry stays till sundown. bees swarmed *
Monday 25 June 1906 A cool fine morning. V went to factory cultivated corn and picked 34 qts strawberries went to OBriens to see about the money for Miss Hall our teacher. Dad went to hoeing and mustard pulling. Evening visitors Sylvia, Ruth and Cassie came looking for strawberries. I treated them to lemonade.
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Thursday 28 June 19 A fine day. Maud went * Kingston carried 4-1/2 doz * 18 cts per doz. I tool a walk down to the strawberry field. V * berries. Wish I hadn't gone and * back across the potatoe field and * great difficulty in crossing the field.
Friday 29 June 1906 A tremendous rain storm in the night every thing wet, wet and barrel running over with rain water. Mr Lancaster here this am Mauds lesson very poorly learned. Bees swarmed. Sr hived them and another such a scrap I never saw first went on a long rain coat to his feet it came, then the head and face protection then a pair of leather gloves and he sallied forth to capture bees, he says he got stung 40 times on the head and a hundred times on his hands and if V has any more bees to hive he may do it for he never will have any more. Maud lost her glasses on berry patch but
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* them again after a long * V helping her look for them. * Digman and Will have * Evening A letter from Muriel * Herald and R's hearth stone. * a post cared from Watson announcing his *
Saturday 30th June 1906 * worked at foot and finished there for a while. Maud made cookies and I moped the floors A terrible rain storm lost 7 chickens in the rain dont know what occurred after, at least I dont remember.
Sunday 1 July 1906 A long warm lazy day. Tom Redmen here Niles hired man. Dont know much but can lie like a papist. V picked 3 dozen baskets strawberries for market among our neighbours.
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July 2 Monday 11 February A very good clear day rather cold Miss C* to school. V and Sr drew hay from * 3 loads then V went to R Percys for * 12 gal of Kerosine. M finished her rug very pretty. Voltie fed and watered ducks.
Tuesday 12 February 1907 This is the 23rd anniversary of Bells marriage This day is a great contrast to the other 12 February that was a beautiful day this is cold but partly clear. Voltie gone to Kingston with hay. Crawford walked to school. V came back late for he started late, after 12 pm and returned at 12 pm night. Miss C and Maud set up for Voltie. he had bin to supper. Quinn called here on his way to his home and gave him his tea & *
Wednesday 13 Feb 1907 V went up to K with another load of hay. Sr watered and fed ducks
Thursday 14 Feb 1907 Charley drove down bringing Belle, Henry, Majorie & Marjorie's Baby through the rain V watered and fed ducks.
July 4th
A rainy fore noon rained all night pm clear. Marjorie & Art & the baby came down to cross over [illegible] brought them down Grace went home with them
Friday 15th Feb 1907. Maud working all day on feet poor Maud. If I could only get around as in in days of yore. I'd help more. V working in shop all day. Albert Gillespie walked into the ice crack when he came to bring the ice tongs V watered R ducks
Saturday 16th George Pillar drove into the crack coming back from Will Dixons. Voltie went and put a signal by the crack. Geo horse in all over. After dinner he drove home. Art Vincent came for Marjorie, he brought a load of goods to [Queens?]. Marjorie, Art and the baby went home after dinner. Morgan Sr came for his cutter which Voltie has repaired. Charley H came down too and brought the phonograph which which Belle manipulated for Morgans amusement. Voltie went over & feed and watered ducks.