Monday 25 Feb 1907. V after driving to school. School with Miss Crawford. drove up for Robert and Grace. Margaret & Robby they came before sunset. Trustees met at school house to see about keeping Crawford in school. no government in is school. They think they will turn her out.
Tuesday 26 February 1907. A very good day cold. Voltie and Robert hitched up and drove the gray colt across to Quinns. Came back to dinner. They found Quins folcks moving and Art Vincent moving in. Rachel and Louise came over then came Charley H and Beatrice and William Watts. All ate dinner, went again afternoon and returned towards night.
Feb 27 Wednesday 1907 A cold day wind North. Voltie hitched up the grey colt and drove with Miss Crawford to school. Sr drove up to the horse race at the villiage. This day I feel dull and sleepy. Grace help Maud wash breakfast dishes.
Thursday 28th 1907 Clear and cold. V drove to school with Miss Crawford; only three pupils today. The threats. V loaded hay for Kingston from R's place. Bob went to R for a call while V and Sr were loading hay. Rob much pleased with his visit as relating to Louise Horn Niles. I pieced three log cabins blocks.
March 1 Friday 1907. Clear and cold. Sent for McClures magazine to day by Voltie. V went to Kingston with hay.
Saturday 2nd 1907 A fine day. Bob and Grace, after dinner drive over to Rachels drawing the children on sled.
Saturday 1907 March 9th Robert, Grace & children and Maud gone to Kingston today on ice. Robt forgot his pipe and their onions & popcorn & sauce. They visited Marjorie V & M going with them. Sunday the third stay home all day except R & V go over to Van's. Thursday they all go to Van's visiting.
The 3 of March Van & Lib came over to visit. Will & Willie came over for Louise. Rachel came too then Miss Crawford and her beau Pixley came.
Sunday 10 March 1907 Another beautiful day. Mrs Crawford goes to church. Rachel abed with cold. Mrs McLaren came to hire Rachel and hired her to cook. 15 June I'm grieved to say Devolson took mean Woodman with with him to Clayton and V came home very much drunk, brought home a rooster.
Monday 11 March. A fine day sun bright and warm and clear. Rachel sick all day Sr got a severe cold too
Tuesday 12 March 1907 A beautiful day R sick all night but snored awfuly all night. went home to see if her duck has laid an egg and didn't come back. V went at evening to see how she is she better been abed all day, rained this pm. Milton Woodard here for supper and then went over the river. V cleaned up a grist for mill but helped Niles all fore noon cut ice. 128 cakes.
Wednesday 18 March 1907. V gone to Kingston on ice going to mill. Sent Graces things home and Bobs pipe-a cloudy day and fog
Sr walked over to see how R's health is, found her better. A man from Depanville named Reed, driving on ice with buggy drove into the crack. Wells, Thait & the Woodmans got his horse; he was a cow buyer. Wells heard by some one on the road that Richard Spoor died last night, very sudenly—apoplexy the cause. Voltie came early, ate dinner at Robert G's Grace sent me a letter &c
Thursday 14 March 1907 A dirty morning. Raining and freezing. Voltie drove to school with Miss C and then drove down to R's carrying her medicine bottles that he bought for her in Kingston. found her fast recovering and eating buckwheat cakes. cakes. The Poster was fine; wish I had more, but tis too expensive; 10 cts per bottle. V cleaned the ice house and pm is cutting ic Jack Niles helping though first he drove to J OBriens for ic saw. Jack Niles ate supper with us
Friday 15 March 1907 Jack & Voltie finished filling the ice house and Voltie packed in in saw dust after dinner went across the ice to A.V's to send