to Corners for rubber boots, took Will's potatoes aross but forgot the to carry the garden seeds. He went for the mail and then went to Rahel's found her well &c. A snow blizzard in pm
Saturday 16th of March A half cloudy day snowing a little now & then, froze last eve. V arose early when I didn't hear, got his own breakfast put up the eggs and gone to Kingston started at 6 a.m. going to bring Maud home. Hiram Joslin drove Rachels cow here to day. Irene Sr made two pies (apple) and a jelly turnover & washed two dish towel and one hand towel, my feet ache, ache, beat & throb. Voltie came home alone having left Maud at John OBrien's, been in the River horses in all over Voltie hauled Maud out and sent her ashore. teams coming right along helped him out with the horses and things. Every dud soaking wet groceries & all Mauds dry good, were "wet goods. Rachels bread all pudding. I set yeast cake.
Sunday 17 March 1907 A cloudy Windy morning, raining, ground nearly bare. Voltie drives to John Obriens for Maud goes in covered buggy driving on ice, returns in time for dinner. After dinner, with Club in hand goes over the
river to Art Vincents; we watch him as he goes away over the ice. I wish I didn't live on Wolfe Island where there is nothing but ice, water, worry and trouble. Rachels heifer has a new calf born this St Patrick's day in the morning. We'll call the calf Pat. Voltie gone till after dark. I set a lamp in the parlor window; he had been to the corners for rubber boots but Donaldson not at home so he came home without them, found Marjorie and the family all well.
Monday 18 March 1907 Quite a fair day. Kent came; leaving his horse here and walked to the corners (across the ice). Arthur drove to the corners with Kent. Voltie sent to the corners by Kent for the rubber boots and Kent brought them all right. Sr mending harness all day. Voltie working the shop. Maud very lame and sore after being in the cold icy river. We going to have a telephone it mow came today.
Tuesday 19 March 1907 The most dreary and disagreeable day of all the year, wind, rain, snow & mud. G Crawford walked to school. Voltie drove for her at evening time. A card from Mrs Brooks, a letter from Watson, 2 men here to buy horses. Frank Briceland here for butter but got none.
Wednesday 20 March 1907 I don't know what transpired to day nothing out of the ordinary. Voltie working in the shop. Sr got a severe cough and cold. A terrible wind from SE
Thursday 21 March 1907 A very good day looks like rain tho Tom Chatterdon came over skated across. Came for seeds, said Marjorie not very well. Rachel came over too to see her cow and calf and get some apples. Voltie began working for Rattray at $2.00 per day.
Friday 22nd March 1907 A fine day but looks like rain. Voltie gone to Rattrays to work shingling their house. Kent A Kehoe helping. Sr choring around. I do ask I please so does Maud. boil pork and cook the meals; a letter from Muriel and one from Edna Quinn Barrons.
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Monday 25th 1907 A very fine day. V up early and brought water for Maud to wash clothes. Maud washed big washing and hung them on the line. V and Sr drew hay from the stack. V put the bees in the cellar two extinct hives full of honey which leaves 6 full hives. A man from the other shore attempted to cross over walking on the ice.
Tuesday 26 1907. Threatens rain and does rain some Maud irons the clothes from the veranda. The white clothes partly ironed. R came over but didn't bring Ethels letter. I cook beans and make scrap books. V working for Rattray on the cheese factory - this is the 4 day.
Wednesday 27th March 1907 A fine day warm 50 deg above freeze. C walked to school. Voltie walked to Rattrays cheese factory working on factory. Last nights mail a letter from Grace, a post card from Charley D and a letter from Willie for Maud. Grandad didn't cough so much last night. Dispatch and Massey Harris 18 eggs to day. Foggy evening but Voltie found his way home though the fog was thick enough to cut. I retired at 10 pm.