Thursday March 28th 1907 A warm, foggy windy morning. Voltie working at the cheese factory, snow all gone, thundering in south with sharp flashes of lightning and a little shower.
Friday 29 March 1907 Voltie working on cheese factory not a very pleasant day. Miss Crawford goes up with the wind
Saturday 30 March 1907 Voltie finishes the cheese factory by building a chimney goes to Kent's for his dinner. Morgan Redick around looking for a piece of pork to fry their easter eggs in. Separated the milk.
Sunday 30 March 1907 Easter we are alone all day. A beautiful day, grows colder towards night. We boil a kettle full of eggs. Aunt Rena ate 3 eggs and reads and write letters to Charley Dixon.
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Friday 5 April 1907 A cold windy snowy storm from the North. Maud ironing and putting up window curtains up stairs. Voltie after cutting the honey from the hive went to the shop to work. Aunt Rena got breakfast, washed the dishes and separator. Rachel has come over to churn and brought her basket. Miss Crawford came down with the mail. Mail a card from Grace, a letter from Shotts.
Saturday 6th April Saturday work went on as usual floors cleaned, cake baked. G.C. laid in bed as usual till after breakfast.
Sunday 7th April 1907. A fair forenoon, an early dinner. Maud and Gertrude can go to church, did walk away up to the Episcopal Church, rained some. they stoped at Kents and had their tea by invitation. Lottie Kent brought them home in buggy.
Monday 8th April 1907. Snowing, fall like January weather, ground white. Rachel came over to churn, staid all day we didn't churn. I wrote a long letter to Belle and sent her honey or will tomorrow.
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