Date 1911
fine. Wells Sr is doctering for asthma sore toes, chilblain's kidney complaint, lame back, head ache, impaired eye sight, tooth ache. He has had his eyes examined and tested by an oculist and now has a pair of glasses from Toronto. He doctors his toes with Absorbine flaxseed poultices Zambucks [Zam-Buk]. He takes quinine, Dodd's pills, several kinds of Asthma cure, Ectectine oil, Ayers pills, Whiskey and prickley ash bark, Shipmans Asthma cure, but there is one thing in his favor, his appetite is good, tremendiously [sic] good, he don't shave anymore, he is afraid he'll catch cold. At present time he is taking Dodd's kidney pills and Shipmans Asthma cure. Voltie working every day as if his life depended upon incessant labor, cutting and drawing wood from Jerry Murphys, Wm J Woodman drawing saw logs to Kingston, feeding stock, pigs, horses, milking, churning, making all the butter & carrying it to market. Working in shop for neighbours, besides going over to Rachels watering and taking care of her cows, tinkering her stable and looking after things in general every day. Every day he must not forget to say that Bernard Morgan & family came to see us together with Lizzie and Morgan and Mrs James Morgan and all
their children while Belle was here and she helped carry the honor of the visit so as to make it entertaining all night. Tho young Alden Jims oldest kid tells Emma, at school that "old Miss Bamford is a nice old woman". That is me tho I don't know how I came to impress him so favorably and so the time leads up to the first of March of one of the dreariest winters I ever remembered seeing. On the second day of February when the "old Bear seldom missed seeing his own shadow. He couldn't see a thing for the day was so dark and stormy & dismal.