Friday 6 June 1913
I dont know how to manage this
terrible kid Edith Leman. Rachel came over
to square up. She sold 21 lbs butter for
25 per. This was done yesterday. V gave
her 7 dollars this yesterday morning,
she paid $7.25 for milk can, $2,20 for
tomato plants $2,50 for flour and the
balance for groceries and sundries. Tea,
bananas, lemon tea, 2 pair cotton stockings,
Denna came but had forgoten 5 galons
crock, E & E's shoes &c. We are making
rhubarb preserves. I sent Nellie a card
and Grace a letter. V is setting tomato
plants. Rachel gave H Halliday 12 plants
belonging to V and sold 15 other to
Sylvia. In writing to Grace this
morning I asked of her a favor
which I may be sorry for
commenced carrying our milk to the
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