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Wednesday 4 March 1914
A pleasant warm day. Charley Woodman
died this morning. Voltie
and Wall Niles attended to washing
and dressing poor Charley.
V & J had started for Geo Woodman's
for a load of wood but turned back
when they arrived opposite Mr Niles
and Wallace came out and told
them about poor C.W. No one left
of the family now only Sylvia and
Samy but I think they are as well
off without C as with him. Wallace
here to dinner. To many arguments
going on here these days to make
every thing aggreeable. Pneumonia
was the cause of CWs demise which
a run down broken dissipated constitution
couldnt stand. O poor Charlie, he
was only cruel to himself. May
the dear Lord have mercy on him
and I have faith to believe He
will. He was a good neighbor
always ready to accomodate or do
any thing for V and never slandered
any one or spoke a word against
any one; Henry Halliday here this
evening. H & V went up to poor dear
Charlie's which is his no more.
We cant say going up to uncle Sam
nor going up to Charlie's never more
never now!

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