20 eggs
Saturday 28th March 1914
Arose early this morning. Voltie going
to drive to Marysville with Bob,
drove up with buggy and two horses.
The sun shines out a little but they
go. John reads my old diary of 27
years ago. He gone now to doctor
Rachels old cow. Edith washed
dishes. [ Emma continues writing in diary]
John gone over to Rachel to
see how her old cow is. Grandma
laid down for a little while. Uncle
Voltie sent down a veterinary
for aunt R's cow. They say she is all
bloated up so she as to sqesse [sic] in the
barn door. 5 oclock in the
afternoon and Edith still washing
dinner dishes. I mended some
of her clothes and Grandma
and I made her a skirt together.
the ice not out of the river yet
but the robbins are here. John
chop wood for night, I made
a cake for supper. the weather
is awful disagreeable out. Wel [sic] I have
got to go and get supper for uncle
Voltie will be here and now supper
ready so I will lay my pen one
side till by and by. Uncle Voltie
has got home and has gone over to
Anut [sic] Rachel to tap her old cow.
The Veterinary said she had droppsy,
he got home about half past seven
and bought a bl [lb] of mustard and
a bottle of Olive Oil and 5 yds of
cloth, 1 yd of lace and 1 pair of
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