


Status: Indexed


Sylvia for butter color
and shoe laces, white thread
and tobaco. I sent her a
cabbage. Maggie here for butter
papers. Em gone to PO, Ed gone
to R's to borrow a broom to dry
out the parlor. Boys working on
shop. Ed McDermot went for mail
I clean long cupboard and put
clean papers on shelves, cut
blocks for Emma's quilt and rug
rags and log cabin quilt. J went
again to milk R's heifer. Mail a
letter from Grace, an Easter card from
Edith Dixon. Standard etc

Wednesday 15 April 1914
The month half gone, the days
chase each other like cloud shadows,
a very fine day. The work within doors
moves slowly - sowed tomato seeds.
Not sure they will sprout, hope so.
Emma cleaned floors. I cut
rug rags. V gone to Jack Niles
to help tear down and old barn. Jack
has a bee to do the work. The river
is full of floating ice but boat
went up to day called the ringleader.
John working alone on the shop
this p.m. puting on the last roof
boards. J & E & E all rushed to
the shore to see the first boat go up
with marine glasses. Mr Almond Joslin
sick at the villiage. Mrs A Joslin
told Emma over the phone. V brought in a
box of soil and I sowed tomato & gourd seeds

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