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sent 13 lbs butter to market. John
drove to dock. They stop for
Rachel she going too. 1 doz eggs
only for market. Our eggs are
a constant article of diet, breakfast,
dinner & supper. We get about
2 dozen a day but a lot goes
under the hens for hatching.
Eleven chickens came yesterday.

Friday 1 May 1914
A very good day. John began cultivating
in the big field going to sow oats.
Voltie is building fence. I received
a letter from Muriel also one from Grace.

Saturday 2nd May 1914
Emma cleans floors.

Sunday 3rd May 1914
Maggie came visiting Edith entertained
her by playing with Emmas pigs on the floor.
Consequently one died. Em went to church
12 people comprised the congregation. Rachel &
Sylvia in p.m. here here

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