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Monday 15 June 1914
A beautiful bright day, Wind South
a brisk breeze all p.m. Emma
done big washing; hung them all on
the lines, having to put up an extra line
besides spreading them on the grass.
John is cultivating for corn. Voltie
finished the lower boat house and
hoed beets and turnips and many
other things necessary to be done.
Edith went to school. Rachel came
over for her honey sections that V
had split for her. V put out
all the boxes of tomato plants and
peppers watered them and the cabbage
plants. Sent letters to Maud and
Henry by Denny, also sent for
another pair of shoes and stockings
for Edith. The wind changed to
North. Maggie came to borrow starch
Only three pike this time.

Tuesday 16 June 1914
A cool bright windy morn. Wind North
We are talking about making pumpkin
pies, cakes, cookies, apple pies. We are
talking about it "understand". John
cultivating for corn. A good warm rain
is very much needed. Edith home to
day. R came over to Dinner.
I sewed on Ediths dress, work goes
slow. John cultivated and sowed
corn with the drill. V looking
after the motor which he took down
to the tower boat house last night
and it leaks fearfully

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