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I did hate to have V leave home
for I was afraid John would would play
out all day drinking cider and lying
in the hay or straw. Old Van brought
seed corn that V had already paid for. The
hogs were not fed. Oh it was a terrible
day, something I was not acustom
to. At last J made out to milk
the cows and drive to the dock
for V and Reggie and Emma.
I was glad to see them come home.
Old Van wouldn't go to bed but set
up swilling cider till late and
and using such awful profanity
that every thing turned blue and smelt
of brimstone.

Friday 19 June 1914
Turned colder and wind blows from
North. Delavan De Grasse couldn't go
home if he wants to but he is up to
cider again all day and is full
of history, religion and pollitics [sic]
Towards night Emma filled the
vinegar barrel with every drop
of cider consequently when they went
for cider it was gone and the
twain were mad, awful mad and
I was glad E emptied the barrel

Saturday morn 20th
Cold but not much wind. Van
arose early and went home sober.
I made apple pie, pumkin pie.
We are expecting the preacher to dinner
tomorrow. V set cabbage & tomato
plants that he had bought on the market.
No rain, tho much needed

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