


Status: Indexed

the dock for Margaret and Miriam.
I got the supper while Grace & V
picked berries. V picked for McLaren.
Margaret and Miriam brought
candies, bananas, peanuts, oranges,
and Margaret bought her grandma
a we pretty dish.

Friday 10 July 1914
Another hot day a scorcher. V gone
to the villiage with berries for McLaren.
Tis 9 a.m. river quiet not a ripple.
haying to be done, cows to be watched
weeds to be pulled, berries to be picked
and canned. Always a contention
among youngones, but are they any
worse than grown ups? Only more
insignificant little affairs. Beet greens
and fish for dinner. Grace has canned
18 cans berries. Voltie returned at
4 p.m. Had been to Kingston.
John and Reginald drawing in
hay. I think this is the hottest day.
I ever saw 85 deg in the shade.
V bought bananas, pea nuts, beer 6
bottles, stockings, pins, darning needles,
mucilage ink, paid interest on bank
note, paid telephone bill. Kids have
great time playing in hay, bathing, fishing,
Mail. Herald, letter from Maud, one
from Nellie Brooks, Farmers Magazines
and one letter from Hugh Livingston.

Saturday 11 July 1914
The summer is swiftly galloping away. Tis
cloudy this morning looks like rain.
Edith wearing her best embroidered

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