1 Jan 1914
Eggs up to this date
Emma done big washing of clothes
at the river. We managed to send
Grace string beans & peas, i.e. we are
going to send them tomorrow.
Thursday 29th 1914
A very fine day warm tho the
night and morning a cool. John
drove to factory. Voltie drove to dock
with Emma, Reginald & Robert also
Rachel. Emma going to stay a
week with Grace. V arose at 4 a.m.
V mowed the hay by the river this
a.m. and raked and cocked it
its. Maggie came, she swept the
floors for me. Edith washed milk
pails and milk can then she was
absent, missing. I didnt look for
her but continued to wash breakfast
dishes. When V came he found her
asleep on his bed and now begins the
trial of having hard work and endurance
for one whole week. Very dry no rain.
Friday 30th July 1914
This is the second day Emma has been
gone and I am tired. I cant
write much any way.
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