Sunday 9th August 1914
V motored over to Vans for Lottie &
Louise also Willie came too to make a
days visit and we were glad to see them
all. We had a fine mess of fish for
dinner that John had caught. After
dinner Willie with valise in hand goes
over to Rachel's. After awhile the girls followed
with another hand bag and stay all night.
Lottie brought me a book. But I had
read it. Wilie took it to exchange it.
He is covering for the girls next Sunday.
No rain but a very hot dry day.
Monday 10 August 1914
V reaping & bindind [sic] oats John setting
up oat. Lottie came over for shelf paper
staid awhile, no water in Rachels well.
V drew some for them from our well.
Emma makes Lottie and I a
glass of cold lemonade. Clouds gather
and a little rain falls towards night.
Emma washes and drys the clothes before
the commencement of rain. Brings
them in. Sylvia came home to day then
comes to make a call together with Maggie.
Rain drives them home. I retire early.
Tuesday 11 August 1914
A very hot day. A heavy shower in
a.m. I write and send a letter to Grace.
John drives down to post office to mail
his letters and mine. Louise drives down
with him. Emma and I finish her
dress. Samy brought the mail from WHW
2 letters for me. One from Miriam Burton
one from Mrs Stewart. Emma went
for the mail to Sylvia. I read the
war news.
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