


Status: Indexed

Saturday October 31 1914
A very good day. V plowing all am
and pm. We made chow chow and
canned 5 cans of tomatoes, got our
3 square meals. E cleaned floors.
V went to Clayton this morning.
Started at 9.20 and returned at
12,30 Oclock bringing pork barrel,
10 yds percale, tobacco,
syrup and sweet potatoes

Sunday 1 November 1914
A very good day for the first of
Nov tho the wind is blowing half
a gale from the south. I wrote
a letter to Reginald. V broke the
Sunday pm as he often does by doing
a job of work which could have been left
undone. Edith will not wash nor
change her clothes nor comb her hair
about 5 pm she got ready and went
to R to water R cows but found R had
watered them. Evening Sylve and Mag

Monday 2nd Nov 1914
A cloudy morning. West wind.
Geo Gillespie rung for Voltie to help
load pressed hay, he went. Voltie
shut the red pigs in a pen this
morning to keep them from destroying
all his ensilage corn, 5 pigs. Emma
porpones [sic] the washing till tomorrow.
Voltie came home to dinner plowed
in afternoon. Edith at school.

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