21 Nov 1914
A nasty cold
day. Rachel came over for first
time in long while, glad to see
her. She staid to dinner.
Sunday 22nd Nov 1914
This is the anniversary of my birth.
No one here alone all day. 81 years
old to day, wrote a long letter to Grace.
Weather not very good. A phone
from Constance saying "drive the
cattle to Hogans and he would
pay him for cattle and hay.
Monday 23
A chilly cold day
V arises early, drives the cattle,
6 of them, one cow and 5 yearlings
to Hogans. Dignum boys met V
at cheese factory and they drove
all their cattle together. Constance
paid V. V called and paid George Woodman
for the colts $65 dollars. Frank Buchanan
drove in and bought V's one sheep and two
hogs $50 dollars.
24 Nov 1914 Tuesday
Wind South East not so
cold as yesterday. V gone to bank. V to
house from there to Snubs for mail box,
churning going on. Maggie Magee over
to Jim Morgans for 3 days, not very
warm in house. E and E shuffling
around not doing much. I sent a letter
to Grace with $1,35 to Reg enclosed in letter.
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