


Status: Indexed

Re Read '76-'84

Monday 22
A cloudy day, not cold. John brought
water. Emma washed. Edith went to school
I wrote a letter to Grace and washed breakfast
dishes. V working in shop. Ground bare and
nearly bare. May get a letter. seldom do on
Monday. Pea soup for dinner. John pared
potatoes. R went over to Vans. V drew her
on sled, found Lib gone to Hatties N
staid all night next morning Van hitched
up and hoisting R in vehicle drove to boat
with R and then drove to Dwyers for lib
This all took place 13 of this month. I read
a letter from Belle and am so very glad to get
it. A rainy Evening. Emma talking
over the wires to Sadie about going skating
this eve. But they will be very disapointed
for tis cloudy. The ice is getting poor, and
it rains. Wal N called here on his way
to the corners. V sent by him for tobacer
Wal did'nt come back. guess he staid
his uncle Georges. John and V each
reading a new book. John reading the
Discarded Daughter by Mrs "Southworth"
silly old novelist. V reading The miller
of old Church" a Virginia yarn by Elen Glasgow

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