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Thursday 25 Feb 1915
A misty cloudy damp morning
and mud every where with patches
of dirty snow scattred here and there
Edith terrible dispointed about going
to school. John went early this morning
to feed R's hens and brought home
eggs. Then dug a lot of horse radish for
the table. Just think Horse radish in fields
and tops as green as in May. We set
reading till late. Only 6 eggs.

Friday 26th February 1915
A fine day but freezing. Froze last night so
Edith walked to school. I wrote a letter to
Helen Margaret Brooks. I inquired of John
what they are doing so John "by Jerusalem
doing chores all a.m.". V came in to dinner
and gave me ,15 cts that R Pike had given
him for shoeing his horse. Emma cooked
pork, cabbage and patatoes for dinner. Edith brought
a new book from the School Library by
R.M. Ballantyne "Away in the Wilderness". Sam Woodman
here to get his horse shad one shoe. Geo Niles for
filing cross cut saw 25 cts. All got the itch at Dick Halliday's
entire family, red [sic] a letter from R - a card from Nellie.

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