Monday 1 March
A beautiful clear bright sunny day.
Emma is washing. Edith at school.
John & Voltie drawing hickory
limbs from the South place. I send
a letter to Rachel. John sends a letter
to Flora. Sylvia not home yet.
I received a letter from Flora.
Emma washed and hung all the
clothes on the lines. Jack OBrien and
Eddie McDermot crossed the ice
yesterday for kerosine had to pic
their way. Of course I sent R a
letter. Emma hustled around and got
the supper thinking all the
while of skating with the gang and
went on the ice as far as Geo Niles.
No skates out only a big
crack. V went and brought her
back, before coming in she gathered
part of the clothes from the line
and brought them in in her arms.
Weather changing a little towards night.
Edith brought a new book from
the school library. The Swiss family
Robinson. I finished the chair tidy
except the border and croched part of
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