after all. After sleeping his drunk off Jim
arose and came down stairs in time for
dinner. V told him if he behaved himself he
could stay, and he staid. I write two letters
one to Maud also one to Grace. Sylvia came
to make a visit but was rung home for her
Aunt Lizzie had come.
March 12 Friday 1915
A clear bright day rather cold, V & J working
on the veranda. Edith at school. Emma cleaned
floors. Jim brought the water from the river, and went
to the post box. I wrote and sent a letter to
Rachel, also one to Grace, and one to Maud; but I
didn't receive a letter not one, nor a card.
So once more I am doomed to disapointment.
It has been a long time since Grace has
written, and I dont' know why. I washed
the dinner dishes and am very glad I can
do it. This is a very strange March month, no
snow, nor rain, nor wind of any account. I
think I'll not write any more letters till I receive
one from some one, but I have more time to
write than they. found Graces letter unfolded in
The Herald newspaper, a relief to find it.
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