what they could see and hear what they
could hear. Rip Davis was not with
them this time for the very good reason
that he was not at Woodmans. Our man
Jim Gardner, after breakfast, took a long
tramp to the villiage in order to do his
Easter duties, and aslo [sic] to go to Kingston
to see his wife. Emma received a letter from
Lena Dixon
Sunday 14 March 1915
Another beautiful day, no snow, no rain, very little wind North
Emma gone to church. Emma went to church, Edith
helped get dinner. After dinner went to Sylves
Sadie and Howard came by lamp light. John came up and they both went
phoned for Emma
to Sylves. Staid to supper. Roy Rattray poped [sic]
in, didn't stay long but went on down to Geo N's
then came Emma and Sadie from Sylvias. So
dark Sade couldn't see to go home. Voltie &
Edith and Emma took lantern and escorted her
home, in coming home Emma hurt her hand on barbed
wire. V gathered the sap; a pail full, boiled
it on the stove till bed time.
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